By: Shawn Brown, COO, Snap Tech IT
Understanding the role of the National Institute of Standards & Technology’s Cybersecurity Framework, NIST CSF, is an essential component of the proactive approach Snap Tech IT has taken to effectively manage cybersecurity for IT environments. This end-to-end approach to cybersecurity management is known as Snap Tech IT’s CyberDefense, a collection of solutions comprised of managed & co-managed security services that are built around the NIST CSF gold standard of proven processes. Snap Tech IT CyberDefense is the best weapon in your arsenal to fight back again cybercriminals & minimize total losses from attacks.
If your Managed Service Provider hasn’t designed their services around NIST CSF in a holistically proactive approach to your cybersecurity, there’s a good chance the services you’re being offered could be a patchwork of fixes that follow a reactive approach to cybersecurity, an approach that will inevitably leave your business exposed to threats. It’s worth it to fully evaluate your cybersecurity approach because it could save your business from catastrophic financial & operational damages.
Let’s talk about the Identify solution of CyberDefense.
As we’ve established, successful cybersecurity of an IT environment requires each piece of the CyberDefense pie to be working in concert inside your business, whether you need fully managed IT services or co-managed services. The circle of CyberDefense begins with Identify, a crucial linchpin of the entire cybersecurity management process. To start taking control of your cybersecurity, it’s imperative to thoroughly evaluate your existing environment from top to bottom.
Take a look at the areas that need to be addressed in the Identify solution:
- Asset Management: Understand inventory of hardware, software & where data lives.
- Governments & Financial Services: Identifying active information security policies.
- Risk Assessment: Understanding security threats & identifying them through a cybersecurity risk assessment.
- Risk Management Strategy: Implement a documentation roadmap to mitigate risks.
- Supply Chain Management: Understand critical data relationships with vendors & access to your environment.
Snap Tech IT’s CyberDefense solution delivers services around each of these areas, with a solid focus on government, financial services & third-party vendor relationships that require access to your sensitive data.
A key takeaway from the CyberDefense Identify solution is to understand the importance of ongoing risk assessments, even after initial threats are solved. The threat landscape is evolving at lightning speed, with more & more sophisticated methods of network penetration every day. To maintain a secure environment & identify threats before they wreak havoc on your business, we recommend that a cybersecurity assessment be performed on your environment every quarter to ensure new threats are proactively identified & security policies, documentation & safety training are all in check.
For any questions on Cybersecurity and how to keep your IT environment safe
reach out at 1-321-WHY-snap